< Indietro



39 in stock

I love the sayings used during the holidays, whatever the type of greeting, printed on paper, it always brings a bit more joy.

In Italian, “a te e famiglia” is a phrase used to extend wishes or greetings not just to the individual, but also to their family. It’s a way of including the recipient’s family in the sentiment, showing thoughtfulness and consideration for the recipient’s personal life. This phrase is often used in contexts like holiday greetings, special occasions, or in any situation where one wants to convey good wishes to both the individual and their family members.

Of Attéeffamiglia there are 42 copies, hand-printed by me with movable types, which is why there might be small differences between the various prints of the same subject, making the product unique and artisanal. Visit the page im-Perfect to learn more.

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Fedrigoni Arena Rough White 300


15 x 20 cm


Not include

SKU: TP0005 Categories: ,