
Printing slowly simply means taking the time that’s needed.

Typography demands precision, concentration, but above all, commitment to follow all the stages of a project’s realization, from the moment the typefaces arrive full of dust and decades-old encrusted ink, to when the finished works are hung up to dry. All this does not agree with the frenzy we are accustomed to today.

But the beauty lies right here, in composing, carving, preparing the color, in cleaning the typefaces, fighting the woodworms, searching for the right papers, in taking care of the machines and tools of the trade.

The result of this slow dedication is something completely artisanal, look closely: you will be able to see everything, both the marks that time has left on the typefaces and those that the gouges have carved into the linoleum.

Each print is unique, each print has had the time and care it needed. No pressure, except that of the roller of my proof press.